
Love is expressed in little things. At the end of the year, looking back, we express our gratitude and best wishes to all friends and partners from Romania, the Netherlands, the USA, and other countries – to everyone who has supported us with their helping hand during these challenging times and helped us to be […]
Ucrainenii sunt o națiune cu o cultură profundă

We aim to promote and develop our culture, share its beauty with other European nations, and teach our children to love and respect the uniqueness of every culture and every person. Our Association supports children’s arts and cultural projects. We teach children to see the beauty around them and share it with others. A project […]
Proiect de integrare în sport

Sports integration project is one of our most important projects, which we started in March 2023 after a 3-month pilot period of testing different sports activities and observing how kids feel.
Un mic miracol din viața lui Ilya Litovchenko

When a child plays with something, it is not just a game, but the embodiment of the child’s own life with all joys and fears. Sport is also a game that teaches children to open up, to be themselves, to be real. Ilya Litovchenko is 8 years old;
Unind Culturile Prin Spor – Un Eveniment Remarcabil de Vară

Pe 20 iulie 2023 s-a marcat o zi extraordinară în orașul Galați, România, când CSM DUNĂREA GALAȚI și Asociația HELP Ukrainians și-au unit forțele pentru a organiza un Eveniment Sportiv Multidisciplinar la Sala de Lupte Ștefan Babin din Galați.